Saturday, April 7, 2018

Wonder Woman!

     It's so easy to want to be "Wonder Woman" right?! We want to do it all. We want to to be supermom, super employee, super wife, super student, super volunteer, etc...And it seems that the world actually expects that of women. Not just in the current time period, but always. I can certainly understand the demands of all of these titles even though my three kids are now "grown" and out of my house. I put very high expectations on myself in every area of my life. I work 40+ hours a week and I've been taking a full-time course load for the last year and a half  so that I can earn my bachelor's degree.. I've achieved and maintained a 3.75 GPA and have exceeded managers' expectations at work, while being a mom of young adults who yes, still need their mom, and worked to maintain friendships and had some fun (very little haha!). During this time period, I've realized, I don't have to be the very best at everything, and I need to take care of myself. I still struggle with making myself a priority, but I'm getting better at it. So, here are some tips for all the want to be "Wonder Women" out there. 

  1. Take a break - Whatever a break means for you, take it. A long soak in the tub, a walk in the park, a Netflix binge day, a really hard workout...downtime, whatever refreshes or relaxes you.
  2. Spend time with the people you love - This could be your significant other, your kids, your best girlfriends, or whomever else is important to you. Give them your undivided attention. No work talk. No electronic devices. 
  3. Do something different - If you tend to always go out to eat because you just don't have time to plan a meal, take the time and cook a meal at home. If there's an activity you've thought about trying, do it! If there's a subject you're curious about, research it or take a class on it. 
     I wish you all luck and really hope you will make yourselves a priority!


  1. I honestly believe most women try to do it all. We are just wired that way. I for one do not know how to say "no" when people ask me for a favor. I definitely need to take a step back and focus on myself for a change.

  2. I think we're just made that way as well. That's why we're so good at multi-tasking! But, I truly believe that we need to learn to take care of ourselves and not just those around us. Thanks for your feedback!

  3. Netflix binge is my new splurge. I rarely take the time to watch anything on TV or otherwise but discovered over spring break how relaxing it is to watch a show (or 4) on Netflix. Heartland is my current binge. Love your blog and I am very proud of you!

  4. Thank you! Netflix binging is definitely one of my favorite things to do to relax!
